Set aside for the moment that AI tools can be used to spawn massive volumes of garbage content designed to choke the life out of the internet. For the purposes of this post let’s assume your aim is true and you’re just looking...
What is Perspective Taking? The Basics & Benefits Explained
Some of us find perspective taking easier than others, but it’s a technique that anyone can access. However, before we can reap the benefits, we all have to overcome a common barrier: ourselves.
Adobe Aero Review: AR for the Rest of Us
Until now, developing even simple AR prototypes has been complex and time-consuming. Adobe is changing all that with the release of Aero.
Guide to Perspective Taking for the Workplace
Perspective taking is a powerful tool for conflict resolution, designing human-centered products, and being a better leader. But once you’re ready to try it, how does it work?
11 Tips for Creating Successful Virtual Instructor-Led Training
At AMP Creative, we’ve created engaging vILTs for clients. We’d like to share a few best practices—hard-won from our experience—so you can make the most of this medium and build an effective virtual training experience.
Choosing the Best Virtual Training Platform for Your Team
We break down the four best virtual training platforms by features—from breakout groups to custom interfaces—so you can find the perfect fit.