AR Experiences.
Augmented reality experiences don’t have to require expensive tech. Most likely, you’re carrying an AR-enabled device in your pocket right now! Download an augmented reality app to your smart phone and your camera becomes a window to another world. With the power to transform any print collateral through augmented reality, you can bring brochures, displays, books, and more to life—while increasing knowledge acquisition. [1]
Check out some of our products and past projects below or contact us today to find out how AR can become part of your company’s learning and communication strategy.
Augmented Business Cards.
When we set out to redesign our business cards, our goal was to make something memorable and a little bit magical—so we augmented them. We added animations, a video, and extra information about each cardholder that can be viewed through our app.
The result? They’re instant conversation starters that demonstrate our diverse capabilities far better than a plain piece of paper ever could. Most importantly, they impress.
Digital Treasure Hunt.
Give users a reason to take a second look. Add another layer to reality and turn any print collateral, environment, or object into a game—and an excuse to scrutinize the augmented image. Adding augmented reality to learning materials has been proven to increase knowledge acquisition.[1]
You can put augmented reality to the test right now. Explore our annual holiday card and find hidden surprises by downloading our app and pointing your device’s camera at the image below.
1. Albrecht UV, Folta-Schoofs K, Behrends M, von Jan U
Effects of Mobile Augmented Reality Learning Compared to Textbook Learning on Medical Students: Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
J Med Internet Res 2013;15(8):e182
Contact us.
Feel that tingling in your fingertips? That’s the urge to contact us! Drop us a line if you want to learn more or if you’re ready to kickstart your project.